
I'm a student and this blogg has been created to keep information on a daily to weekly basis about my project that i am doing to get my Bachelor of Information Technology. This is based on my progress, and a place to put all of my information, not entirely a proper blogg. Though sometimes i feel like i'll be talking to myself... Any ways, enjoy and feel free to comment. If your wondering what this project is and dont want to read every single post, just go to the Proposal link, or any of the "posts worth looking at" below.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

6/3 Research API's Cont. Choose API

Start at: 8.00 a.m.

OK, lets have a look at the conclusions i made about each API.

Virtual Earth
Virtual Earth is very easy to use (at least for the stuff i did), and although there is no specific pricing, there may be some licensing possible for businesses that are MSDN subscribed. The functionality of what i did is just what i need, although google maps has kool features such as dragging and dropping pin points, i dont really need that functionality. Next up Yahoo! Maps.... /scared.

Google Maps
Google FTW (For The Win :P), easy to use, LOTS of examples and tutorials out there, has all the functionality i need. Costs a bit of money to use for a proper application however, and this is something that may be a problem for most small businesses.

Yahoo! Maps API is super simple to use and implement and is generally slower than the other maps, however the fact that it doesnt map New Zealand and Australia is an instant epic fail.

Hrrmmm well the two obvious ones are Google and Microsoft, what to do what to do. Because originally i was going to make this application for a specific business, but now its gonna be generic, but still implemented there i am more inclined to use M$ because i have been provided the developer account etc... but why? I shall ponder on this one for a while. It does look like i like Google the bestest, but this is mainly because of the extra kool functionality, but will i use these features or need to use them? Probly not. Microsoft is super fast and has awesome arial views, but will i need this?

Hang on, what do i need? The fastest basic map that can do that can make routes and different stop points. Now Google does this better than M$. OK what i need to do is have a talk to one of the developers at the company i am making this application for. Email sent!!! OK... ummm what to do now. Next, webservices.

8.50 a.m.


Webservices, what are they?

"Web service refers to a modular application that can be invoked through the Internet. The consumers of Web services are other computer applications that communicate, usually over HTTP, using XML standards including SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI. Web services allow application integration through different standards."From here.

Why use them?

Well the obvious reasons are that they allow interoperability between existing systems & applications, the re-use of the already written code (calling the same functions from different applications), the expandibility (is that a word?) of the same application onto different devices such as PDA's, cell phones etc.

Break 9.15 - time to get up and get to tec, stupid rain.
10.15 a.m. - At tec now after a bus ride putting up with a few baboons.

Re-looking at google liscencing.

Break 10.45 - Appointment.

12.00 p.m.

So i got an email response saying:
"Just keep in mind any licensing cost that may be incurred when an app is deployed.
But it is your project so do what you want. Don’t worry about us, it is more the knowledge gained that we can learn from."

soooo..... this means..... I HAVE CHOSEN GOOOOGLE!!!! Sorry Microsoft Mwahahaha (i'll be using the rest of your technology...)

OK SO. Why Google Maps? you ask. well...

Google besides just being sexy and awesome and having a kool interface has everything and more that i need. The main reason however is the fact that it is easy to set up multiple routes (which is the main thing i'll be doing), the API is easy to use and the end result is fast and easy to use.

Break 12.15 - Lunch
12.30 p.m. - Nooooodles

OK, just reading some more stuff on webservices.

1.45 p.m. - Sleeeeeeepy caffiene not working

Doing some more implementation with Google Maps, will link when done :). Atm i am playing around with getting google maps into a windows application instead of a webpage. Will see how it goes. <-- carry on with this tomorow

Break 3.00 p.m. - Meeting
4.00 pm. - 6.00 p.m. Project Management Class
6.45 p.m.

Do more on draft of project proposal and post some stuff up on moodle for project management & other general web surfing for information.

Finish 8.15 p.m. 8ish hours

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