
I'm a student and this blogg has been created to keep information on a daily to weekly basis about my project that i am doing to get my Bachelor of Information Technology. This is based on my progress, and a place to put all of my information, not entirely a proper blogg. Though sometimes i feel like i'll be talking to myself... Any ways, enjoy and feel free to comment. If your wondering what this project is and dont want to read every single post, just go to the Proposal link, or any of the "posts worth looking at" below.

Friday, August 22, 2008

22/8 UML & Screenshots

Heres my UML diagram and a screen shot of the mapping page. Still have a smal amount of things to do, which i will list later.. have to go stack wood haha.

What i still have to do:
  • Little more user validation
  • Code header commenting
  • Add in urgent tick to job list for mapping and logic
  • Double check UML diagram

Thursday, August 21, 2008

21/8 Last Official Day of Implementation

Well! Here we are... I'm gonna spend the day fixing things up, commenting code, make a new UML diagram, upload screen shots, more validation, and explain to some extent how i got it working.

At the moment i am having a ha-ha funny problem. Ive made it so the user can have a straight line of points and end at the last point, or they can finish where they started, slightly different logic. What i'm getting on both of these is a random address at the end... on bridge street. I deleted all the records to make sure there wasnt a wrong geocode pointing to bridge street... but yeah still finishes on bridge street. Spooky, shall try figure out wtf it is.

After i fix this problem think the next best thing to do is finish some of the validation.

Ended up fixing the problem, but it was through fixing another problem... so never figured out what the 4 bridge street was. Although we later found out that 4 bridge street is just going on rent i think. So i had a problem with have a 1 instead on a 0 in one of the loops for looping through and sorting the records, so what it was doing was leaving on out. Anyways i didnt fully finished the UML diagram, and its getting late. Didnt quite achiece what i wanted today, but tomorow is another day before my meeting.

Monday, August 18, 2008

18/8 YUSSS javascript works!

YUSSS, finally got the javascript going.

Basically what i needed to do was add the key reference in web.config (which i had).

Add code in the page_init part of the aspx.cs file for loading the key into the head part of the page, so that google knows its valid.

Add a button

Add the code behind the button either in page_init or page_load.

code: Click Here!

Think i tried to rush into understanding it too quick, so what i did today was step back and learn different parts of it, such as testing if google maps even worked in basic html on my page, which it did. Then moved on a page.clientscript.register... to see if that worked even with the most basic alert function, which it did. So i didnt see why the google stuff shouldnt work now that i knew how to use a button.

I then came accross a couple of errors from google maps which slowed me down a bit, 'gmap2' is undefined and 'object expected'. I soon figured out that this was because i had commented out the code which set up my app key, which would mean that google wouldnt allow me to have a map.

Tomorow i am going to finish off the part i was stuck at, which is passing the finished lat,lng values from my array that i create into a map.

Hours: 5.5


Sunday, August 17, 2008

15 & 17 basics

Ive pretty much done all the tidying up besides commenting the basic code, ive done all the more complicated stuff. The only problem im having at the moment is figuring out this javascript with asp.net. I can do the basics like a button alert... but with google maps its alot more complicated and i need to pass an array of lat,lngs to the google API.... So yeah... All good besides that. The hard stuff with the logic is done, and after small testing i can see it appears to work. Planning to do some more work on this javascript tomorow, or maybe ask around if anyones done much with javascript and asp.net.