
I'm a student and this blogg has been created to keep information on a daily to weekly basis about my project that i am doing to get my Bachelor of Information Technology. This is based on my progress, and a place to put all of my information, not entirely a proper blogg. Though sometimes i feel like i'll be talking to myself... Any ways, enjoy and feel free to comment. If your wondering what this project is and dont want to read every single post, just go to the Proposal link, or any of the "posts worth looking at" below.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

8/4 Database Design pt. 2

Start 10.00 a.m.

This morning I am going to make the data dictionary. After that i am going to go over all of the forms and data again and see if i can see anything missing. I am going to get a couple of people to go over the forms to have a look if i'm missing anything.

Data Dictionary - Original

Break 1.00 p.m. - 2.00 p.m.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Data types


Class 4.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m.
Finish 9.00 p.m. - estimate of productive hours: 4

Data Dictionary - Final at end of Design

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

7/4 Database Design pt. 1

Start 11.00 p.m.

Quick drawn up Entity Relationship Diagram. I have noticed that ive missed out a few things, so it was good to quickly draw this up. I am going to create a specific page for Design Changes, so i can keep record of these changes, or recomendations for when i come to the actual implementation. OK, so i'm really tired... probly lots wrong here, but thats a good idea of the basic data needed anyways.

Logical - version 1.something

Physical - version 1.something

Finish 12.15 p.m. 1 Hourish

Logical -version 2.0

Physical - version 2.0

Newest versions at end of design stage

Logical 2.1

Physical 2.1

Physical Version 3.0

*Amendment 8/4 11.30 a.m. Phone number and fax number were missing from diagram, these were added in client address.
* Amendment 8/4 12.35 p.m. Added password field into staff table as this was missing.
* Amendment 15/4 11.39 a.m. Change street number to a string.
* Amendment 15/4. Added in a management table to keep information about the business using the application.
* Amendment 17/4. Renamed table manage to management.
* Amendment 17/4. Split the manage table into two. This is because a business may have many locations.
* Amendment 2/5. I ended up changing the physical implemented database to have one management table forgetting that the business may have more than one location. I also took out permissions for now, as i'm thinking of using the built in Microsoft user authentication.

7/4 Design Changes

Any changes will be documented here. This can be anything from taking something out of a form, ro changing a data type, as these are the things i need to keep a record of.

7/4 Geocoding
I forgot that i need to keep the geocode for each address. I will add this into the form when i get to implementation. Also this will have to be calculated every time the user edits an existing address or adds a new address.

Pirmary Keys
Figuring out whether some of the ID's should be integers or characters. Most likely this will change.

Client Table
I have moved the phone number and fax number into the client addresses table. Mainly because if a client has many locations, obviously each of these locations is going to have their own phone number and fax number.. derrr!

15/4 Street Number
Changed this to a string in case the number is something like 31 b etc.

15/4 Management Table
Added in a table to hold data about the business that is using the application. Mainly this is to keep information about where the business is located, so when the map is made and the user selects start from home, it knows where this is. Rename table to management instead of manage.

17/4 Change management table
Renamed manage to management. Also split this into two different tables as the one business may have many locations.

17/4 Prioritys
I forgot to add in how the user will determine the priority of a task. I am thinking i will allow them to mark jobs as urgent.

28/4 Table Changes
I changed the user permission PK to a composite key instead of a surrogate one.


2/5 Database Desisions
Decided to merge back management tables seing as the reason i put them back together was because i forgot about the one to many relationship haha.

2/5 User Permissions
Decided that i would take out the permission table and user/permission table for now. I am leaning towards just using microsofts user authentication.

7/4 Template Design pt. 6

Start 9.00 a.m.

Today i have been making the proper designs of the forms. I will add them all when i have finished them. The forms aren't in there exact design, this is too get a good idea of the user navigation and input. All of these forms are liable to ALOT of change!!!! Oh, and don't hassle the budgetness of them haha. The two forms i havent added in here are the home page and help page. This is because these will be determined when i get to impementation, at the moment they are not crucial to the input of the data, obviously.

Input Forms:
Job Forms
Client Forms
Map Forms
Users Forms

Previous Posts
5/4 Template Design pt. 5
2/4 Template Design pt. 4
1/4 Template Design pt. 3
1/4 Template Design pt. 2
1/4 Template Design pt. 1

11.00 p.m. This is what i call dedication!!! /insane - 12.5 hours not inc. lunch + tea break

Please excuse any (and most likely alot) mistakes i have made in these forms... my brain stopped working a while ago. Now i am going to ummmm stop. OR do some databasing!!!

7/4 Job Forms

Job form flow diagram thingy


1. View jobs

7/4 Client Forms

Client form flow diagram thingy


1. View clients

2. Add client
*Phone number and fax number are no longer on this form, they will be moved to the client addresses form.

5. Add client addresses

*The user can add in country (this field is missing here but is in the ERD and data dictionary) but keep in mind that they might try to map a route from two different countries :\ haha.

7. Search clients

>Previous Posts:
7/4 Template Design pt. 6
5/4 Template Design pt. 5
2/4 Template Design pt. 4
1/4 Template Design pt. 3
1/4 Template Design pt. 2
1/4 Template Design pt. 1

Input Forms:
Job Forms
Map Forms
Users Forms

7/4 Map Forms

Map form flow diagram thingy

I am leaving out the print form for now, as i'm tired, and ive never done the whole printing thing before and cbf figuring it out right now. Will have to leave it for a later date.


1. Choose jobs

2. Map

Previous Posts
5/4 Template Design pt. 5
2/4 Template Design pt. 4
1/4 Template Design pt. 3
1/4 Template Design pt. 2
1/4 Template Design pt. 1

Input Forms:
Job Forms
Client Forms
Users Forms

7/4 Users Forms

User form flow diagram thingy


1. Viewing users

2. Adding/editing users

3. Search users

Previous Posts
5/4 Template Design pt. 5
2/4 Template Design pt. 4
1/4 Template Design pt. 3
1/4 Template Design pt. 2
1/4 Template Design pt. 1

Input Forms:
Job Forms
Client Forms
Map Forms