
I'm a student and this blogg has been created to keep information on a daily to weekly basis about my project that i am doing to get my Bachelor of Information Technology. This is based on my progress, and a place to put all of my information, not entirely a proper blogg. Though sometimes i feel like i'll be talking to myself... Any ways, enjoy and feel free to comment. If your wondering what this project is and dont want to read every single post, just go to the Proposal link, or any of the "posts worth looking at" below.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

7/4 Database Design pt. 1

Start 11.00 p.m.

Quick drawn up Entity Relationship Diagram. I have noticed that ive missed out a few things, so it was good to quickly draw this up. I am going to create a specific page for Design Changes, so i can keep record of these changes, or recomendations for when i come to the actual implementation. OK, so i'm really tired... probly lots wrong here, but thats a good idea of the basic data needed anyways.

Logical - version 1.something

Physical - version 1.something

Finish 12.15 p.m. 1 Hourish

Logical -version 2.0

Physical - version 2.0

Newest versions at end of design stage

Logical 2.1

Physical 2.1

Physical Version 3.0

*Amendment 8/4 11.30 a.m. Phone number and fax number were missing from diagram, these were added in client address.
* Amendment 8/4 12.35 p.m. Added password field into staff table as this was missing.
* Amendment 15/4 11.39 a.m. Change street number to a string.
* Amendment 15/4. Added in a management table to keep information about the business using the application.
* Amendment 17/4. Renamed table manage to management.
* Amendment 17/4. Split the manage table into two. This is because a business may have many locations.
* Amendment 2/5. I ended up changing the physical implemented database to have one management table forgetting that the business may have more than one location. I also took out permissions for now, as i'm thinking of using the built in Microsoft user authentication.

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