
I'm a student and this blogg has been created to keep information on a daily to weekly basis about my project that i am doing to get my Bachelor of Information Technology. This is based on my progress, and a place to put all of my information, not entirely a proper blogg. Though sometimes i feel like i'll be talking to myself... Any ways, enjoy and feel free to comment. If your wondering what this project is and dont want to read every single post, just go to the Proposal link, or any of the "posts worth looking at" below.

Friday, March 7, 2008

7/3 Gooooogle - Geocoding

Start at: 9.00 a.m.

OK! Today, more Gooooooogle. No productive work as far because wirless is stoopid.
9.45 a.m.

What i want to do today(maybe tomorow):

  1. Geocoding
  2. Creating markers on the page by clicking and getting these long/lat co-ords & address
  3. Make a map that makes a route from one place to another
  4. Make the same route add on another end point
  5. Format and get the directions information and display this
  6. Finish project proposal and send in
  7. Get more info on how to implement google maps into an app (curiosity)
  8. Figure out how their drag and drop of routes works

Break 10.30 - Appointment
12.45 p.m.

So far i have just been trying to find some useful articles that do more than the basics, not so much luck as of yet (but i suck at teh intehnet searching) but atm i am reading this which talks about Googles geocoding service and how to use it. Here is the code i'm trouble shooting atm, for some reason it doesnt work... gah.

5.00 p.m.

YES YES YES! I'm such a noob... Anyhow i got it to work... i was missing a function hehehehehe *twitch*. OK SO what this map does is geocodes an address i give it (normally you need latlong) and gets the details of the location for me, this is then passed to geocoder.getLocations which in turn gives back the place and latlong. What we can then do with this is set the map center position (map.setCenter(point, 13)) to the point that is returned. A marker is added to that point and an info window displays the results.

The reason i need to know how to do this is because when i implement my application i will need to geocode the addresses of clients/jobs at some point, and this does that for me.

Hang on a sec, you say, what is geocoding?

Well: Mapping services find locations using lat and long giving them an address is useless, SO we have to use a geocoderthingymabobby to determine the exact location by giving it the address and getting back the co-ordinates. This however is not always accurate as the geocoderthingymabobby makes some asumptions that can lead to the wrong address, the wrong part of the street etc etc. For more info: click meeeee, please!

I found this awesome site that has some kool code. (spent an hour and half playing round with various bits of code, trying to piece them together)

Break 7.30
8.30 p.m.

Still piecing together stuff... and things :) Well for tonight this will do, i have still got to fix the code that determines where the user is clicking and get the long/lat from this.

I found an awesome website that does alot of the stuff i'm trying to learn, just that i have to siv through all the code and work it out ---> Here!

10.00 p.m. - Bed! Total hours: 7ish

Conclusion for today: i have looked at geocoding and started creating markers on the page by clicking and getting these long/lat co-ords & address, so far only almost got the markers working (i hope) We shall see tomorow.

Good night!


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