
I'm a student and this blogg has been created to keep information on a daily to weekly basis about my project that i am doing to get my Bachelor of Information Technology. This is based on my progress, and a place to put all of my information, not entirely a proper blogg. Though sometimes i feel like i'll be talking to myself... Any ways, enjoy and feel free to comment. If your wondering what this project is and dont want to read every single post, just go to the Proposal link, or any of the "posts worth looking at" below.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

22/5 UML, Interface & Meeting

Start 9.00 a.m.

Heres the latest version of my UML diagram... may be some things wrong, tired and dont want to spend too much time on it at this stage, just want to portray what ive actually programmed thus far. Its starting to turn into spaghetti!!!

I have project meeting today at 1.30 p.m. Just want to get some more interface stuff done before then. I also have class at 4.00 p.m. so after project meeting i might spend that time up until 6.00 p.m. when i finish class to do some more catching up then spend all night carrying on with project.

So far this week i have sorted out the data side of things, almost, i'm not quite as far as i would have liked to be. I'm gonna blame this on wasting 5 hours doing pretty much nothing cause of problem yesterday. What i would have liked to have done by now was filling in all grid views, and editing, deleting and inserting the data from this. Maybe tonight i'll finish this off. My next job, to finish off the basics of the interface, is to sort out the editing of specific client addresses etc, but having that list below the client details.

Well good luck to me, wont update post until tonight when i get more time.

Just got back from project meeting, was good, mmm cup of tea. Below is a screen shot of the job data showing in a grid view. Please dont laugh at my awesome design skills. I'm just going to carry on with reading in the data for everything else now. I had a problem with reading in the jobs because the names of variables i was sending into the stored procedure were actually different to the ones in the stored procedure itself.

Class 4.00 p.m. 6.00 p.m. - Project Management
Blerg, tired, gonna play some wow then sleep.
Finish 10.00 p.m. 7 hours.

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