Start at: 8.30 a.m.
Today i am working so i will be doing on and off work when i can, i'll try keep track of this any how. BUT what i want to achieve is to carry on with the following list and what i was doing yesterday:
- Geocoding
- Creating markers on the page by clicking and getting these long/lat co-ords & address
- Make a map that makes a route from one place to another
- Make the same route add on another end point
- Format and get the directions information and display this
- Finish project proposal and send in
- Get more info on how to implement google maps into an app (curiosity)
- Figure out how their drag and drop of routes works
Basically just have fun and play around with some code and be productive at the same time.
Yesterday i was having a look at and the code used to implement this. I need to gather the X and Y value code that passes back where the user is clicking. Also i would like to be able to add the markers when the user clicks on the map and maybe add a balloon which gives the area of the click.
************************************************************************Break 9.30 - Getting job instructions, mwahahaha
10.00 a.m.
Atm i am trying to learn a little bit more of the basics to Jscript as i've never used it before, though i'm sure its pretty much php with a different name haha. Here's a quick example of arrays, this tutorial is super basic, but revision never hurt any one.... Cant miss out w3schools either ;)
Break 11.30
1 tin of baked beans + 1 can opener + 0 spoons = new student low, eating from tin (like drinking from it...) Food me eat. Theres no body around, so its ok.
11.45 a.m.
Do i have something on my face? Hmmmm i dont really apear to have done much... maybe i talk to myself too often... (I am in a 4 story building alone... it gets lonely :P) Well i shall carry on looking at the ub3r complicated code.
Break 12.40
Finish 3.00 p.m. - 3ish hours
ARG day of nothing >:(
Blowing bubbles with hubba bubba
lololol, i is the king of hubba bubba
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